Emma Lauren Wisher

Emma Lauren Wisher – Where are they now?

Emma Lauren Wisher

Since Emma graduated with her Master’s, she’s been determined to carry on writing. She is currently writing the second draft of her novel, Kevin Lives, entering as many writing competitions as possible and attending monthly workshops with some of her former classmates. She’s continued studying too as she is half way through a Research Master’s in Film and Television at the University of Nottingham, and hopes to take a PhD in Creative Writing next year. She also works full-time as an administrator in Derby, which she’s been doing for almost a year.



Here are some more photos taken during the intervals. All photos are courtesy of Mark James.


The bar area




Comfy chairs! Emma Wisher is hiding away with her family in the top right corner


Georgina Lock, William Ivory and Mark Done




Drew Cross getting in the zone



Ben Field and Liza Krejci


Georgina Lock, William Ivory and Jon Plummer

More photos to come over the next few days and weeks! Check out our other launch night photos here.

Congratulations Graduates!

Today is a special day for many of our Restless Minds contributors. Today, some of them from the MA Creative Writing course, graduate from Nottingham Trent University!

Here are the list of Restless Minds contributors graduating today (although not all of them can attend the ceremony):

Nora Al-Rasheed
Kristina Adams
Oliver Clark
Kristian Elliott
Ben Field
Shila C. George
Nick Jowett
Liza Krejci
L.D. Lapinski
Silvia M. Lopez
Peter Newman
Clare Stevens
Emma Lauren Wisher

On behalf of the whole Restless Minds Team we wish them all the best, every single one of them have worked hard for their degree and put so much time and effort into the anthology.

Congratulations to you all!

Behind the Scenes


Here’s a few more behind the scenes photos from the book launch on October 9th, courtesy of Mark James. You can follow him on Twitter.


Silvia M. Lopez, Ben Field, and Kristian Elliott sort the reserved copies. Well, Ben and Kristian anyway…


Ben Field, Kristian Elliott, Marie Peach-Geraghty, and Clare Stevens hard at work




Kristina Adams running through her lines with her partner


Kristina Adams and Carl Jackson


Liza setting up the images and screen captions for later…or on Facebook…Twitter…Lord of the Rings?


Marie Peach-Geraghty, Ben Field, Silvia M. Lopez


Marie Peach-Geraghty and her husband, Tom


Drew Cross and L. D. Lapinski; Oliver Clark reading in the corner


Silvia M. Lopez: “Drinks are on me!” or “Help me escape, they just told me I’m reading!”

More photos to come over the next few days and weeks! Check out our other launch night photos here.

The Halloween Collection

We hope you all enjoyed Halloween last Friday!

As you know, we chose to celebrate Halloween all last week by posting various creative pieces relating to the theme of Halloween. Here are the links to the various stories, poems, monologues and excerpts, we’ve shared on our website for all of you:

Restless Minds Excerpts:
Inspire, Expire, by Emma Lauren Wisher
The Last Taboo, by Clare Stevens
Locking Up, by Marie Peach-Geraghty
London Underground, by L. D. Lapinski

Short Stories:
A Cautionary Tale, by Hayley Tivey
Lady of the Trent, by Clare Stevens
Meowl (excerpt), by Kristian Elliott
Pretty Rosalind, by Silvia M. Lopez

Hades, by Kristian Elliott
Knock-a-door run, by Paul Adey

Dramatic Monologues:
Lucifer, by Silvia M. Lopez

Challenges & Prompts:
Halloween Writing Challenge
Halloween Writing Prompt

Inspire, Expire (excerpt), by Emma Lauren Wisher

The room is dark, curtains drawn. Yellow light flickers across a blank sheet of paper. Beside it is a small globe, a half-empty bottle of cheap whiskey and the paper’s predecessors – sheets scrunched into balls, others torn into confetti.

The nib of a pen is lowered towards the paper. A WRITER, mid twenties, leans across the desk, scruffy and tired. He takes a swig of whisky and writes ‘CHARACTER IDEAS’ at the top of the page.

A male VOICE is heard off-screen.

The writer looks around. The room is empty.
Can anyone hear me?
The writer looks again. He grabs the whisky bottle and laughs.
Well, this never happened before.
Hey! Can you hear me? I’m lost! I can’t see anything.
That’s because I haven’t written the setting yet.
The writer puts the bottle down and begins writing.
It’s freezing! And dark. Where the hell am I?
Ext. Forest. Night. A wintry forest covered in snow—
What are you talking about?
The writer pauses, nods to himself and continues writing.
I’m writing a horror movie.
Why are you writing out here?
I’m not. I’m in my study.
You’re my character.
I’m your what?
You’re my character in my screenplay.
Right, that’s hilarious—
The writer puts his pen down. He speaks down at the paper.
You don’t believe me? Okay, then. What’s your name?
I, erm—
You don’t know, do you? That’s because I haven’t written it yet.
No! I remember! It’s Jake!
The writer spins the globe, leaning back in his seat.
I prefer Jack.
He writes another word.
I don’t want to be called Jack! And I don’t want to be in this stupid forest!
It’s only a film.
It’s my life!

You can read the full script in the anthology.

Check out Emma’s bio here.

Enter The Stars

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Kristina Adams – The MC

Here are more photos from launch night, this time they’re all of our wonderful readers. All the photos were taken by our amazing photographer, Mark James. You can follow him on Twitter @neonshuffle. Click here for Mark’s blog.

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William Ivory gets the crowd going with his inspiring speech

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Mark Done reading his poems, ‘Canal’ and ‘Manor Street’

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Lecturer Andrew Taylor reads his poems ‘Push Bar to Open’ and ‘Set Sail’

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Liza Krejci reads her short story, ‘The Last of the Great Mountain Giants’

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Liza Krejci

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Liza Krejci

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Kristian Elliott reading from his novel extract, ‘The Enigma of Thornwood’

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Former vicar Nick Jowett reads his short story ‘What is that Smell?’

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Marie Peach-Geraghty reading her short story, ‘Locking Up’

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Marie Peach-Geraghty

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Undergrad and lyricist Paul Adey reads his short story, ‘M6’

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Sarah Jackson reads her poem, ‘Host’

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Our tribute to former lecturer Graham Joyce was led by Sarah Jackson

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Course leader and proud father Rory Waterman reading his poems, ‘St Thomas’s’ and ‘Sots Hole’

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Kristina Adams reading her poem, ‘Portrait of my Nan as an Armchair’, and her short story, ‘The Illusion of Parenting’

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Young Adult writer Silvia M. Lopez reading from ‘Surviving the Outernet’

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Silvia M. Lopez

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Oliver Clark reading an extract from his novella, ‘The Dinner Party’

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Oliver Clark

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Drew Cross reading his short story, ‘Chicken’s Feet’

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Drew Cross

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Undergrad Lauren C. Terry reading her poem, ‘Priority’

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L.D. Lapinski reading her short story, ‘London Underground’

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L.D. Lapinski

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Jonathan Taylor

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Jonathan Taylor reading his short story, ‘Must Sound Genuine’

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Our final reader of the night, Clare Stevens, reading from her short story, ‘The Last Taboo’

We still have more photos to post and a few videos to upload, all taken by Mark James, so stay tuned.

Click here for the first lot of photos.

Calm Before the Storm

Drew Cross getting in the zone

Drew Cross getting in the zone

The Restless Minds launch on the 9th October was a complete success. So many people came to support us, the atmosphere was incredible and we sold out of books on the night! If you came to listen to us read, thank you for supporting us and buying our book.

Thank you to those of you who have since bought a copy of Restless Minds from Five Leaves, we really appreciate it and hope you enjoy the book as much as we all enjoyed writing it.

You can still listen to a few contributors read on Saturday 18th October at 10:45 for the Festival of Words!

Here are some photos from the start of the night. The featured image and images below were taken by photographer, Mark James. You can follow him on Twitter:@neonshuffle. Click here for Mark’s blog.

Reserved copies ready for collection

Reserved copies ready for collection

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More books

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Warming up

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No guests yet

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Guests arriving

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Georgina Lock, Jon Plummer, William Ivory

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Drew Cross preparing

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Kristian Elliott & Marie Peach-Geraghty plot their escape…

Finally, here are some extra photos by Kristina Adams:


Kristian Elliott…smart casual?


Kristina Adams, Kristian Elliott, Silvia M. Lopez

More photos from photographer Mark James will be uploaded over the next couple of days so stay tuned!

Restless Minds – LeftLion

Today an article about Restless Minds appeared in LeftLion magazine.

The article includes previews of submissions by Nora Al-Rasheed, Emma Lauren Wisher, and Silvia M. Lopez.

You can check out their submissions in the article here: http://www.leftlion.co.uk/articles.cfm/title/restless-minds/id/6998

Interview with Emma Lauren Wisher

Name: Emma Lauren Wisher
Submission Title(s): Inspire, Expire

What do you enjoy writing?

I enjoy writing in all mediums but I’m most comfortable writing screenplays. My writing is usually very visual so I find it easy to picture the scenes in my head. I love writing dialogue too – both of these things make my writing style better suited to screenplays. I’ve also written two novels that I hope to get published and occasionally write shorter pieces like short stories and poetry. One thing that’s common in everything I write is the use of self-references (comments on the characters/genre/plot etc) that remind the reader they’re reading a piece of fiction. This is something I’m interested in as a writer and an academic, and was my main focus when I wrote Inspire, Expire.

When did you realise you wanted to be a writer?

My earliest memory of writing was when I was seven. I’d been ill and spent a lot of time off school so I turned to writing to pass the time. I ended up writing endless stories in exercise books or on sheets of paper I stapled together. I gained a lot of encouragement from my teachers, especially at secondary school, which inspired me to consider writing as a career and not just a hobby.

What inspires you to write?

Writing is part of my daily life – I’m constantly adding another chapter to a novel or rewriting a scene from a screenplay. I’m motivated to try new things and begin new projects that are totally different to anything I’ve tried before. One of my biggest inspirations comes from watching films and television. If I see a theme, technique or style I like it’ll encourage me to attempt replicating it in my own writing.

What obstacles have you faced with your writing?

I can become a bit obsessive with writing projects. I set myself almost impossible deadlines or start work on something new before I’ve finished my first thing. Another problem I face is working out whether an idea would work best as a novel or a screenplay. I spent three years writing a novel and hating it before realising it would work so much better as a screenplay.

How do you react to bad reviews or critical comments?

Getting feedback on your work is something that’s hard to get used to. I’m able to deal with it better because of the work-shopping I did as part of the MA in Creative Writing. Negative feedback can be hurtful on the surface, but it makes you reconsider your work and make alterations that improve the piece. Once you adjust to this you realise it’s constructive criticism (regardless of how harsh the comments appear!).

What is your submission about in Restless Minds? (Without giving away any spoilers)

Inspire, Expire focuses on a writer who begins a surreal conversation with one of his characters, resulting in an ambiguity over whether the exchange is the product of his imagination, sanity or the alcohol he’s consumed. It explores the relationship between a writer and a character, blurring the line between real and fictional.

Have you ever been published elsewhere?

I volunteered as a writer for The National Student magazine and had three articles published by them. I also had a poem entitled ‘Family Tree’ published in the anthology Bringing it Home and wrote a short story for the Derby Telegraph called ‘The Little Intruder.’

What is your favourite book and film?

I love Atonement and The Hours both as books and films. My main inspiration comes from television series, predominantly Supernatural. I owe a lot of my writing style and inspiration to it.

What are your writing ambitions?

My dream is to be a television screenwriter and I also hope to publish the novels I’ve drafted. I’m also interested in teaching Creative Writing to others, either formally as a lecturer or in small community groups.

Can you offer any advice for aspiring writers?

Write what you know and love. Trying new things and breaking conventions can be rewarding, but the best writing comes from people who write about topics they’re passionate about.

Do you have a Website(s)?