Twisted Tongues

Twisted Tongues 5 Photos

Twisted Tongues 5

Twisted Tongues ran a spectacular event Tuesday night, we wish we took more photos but Kristian, who provided these photos, forgot his camera and took these from his phone. Conveniently, photos of himself reading (The Enigma of Thornwood) were never taken…but anyway!

The open mic was stocked full of talented writers, and whether you’re a poet or a fiction writer (maybe you dabble in both) it’s well worth making the trip to Derby and reading at the next Twisted Tongues event!

There’s another Twisted Tongues next month 🙂 Be sure to Follow them on Twitter and/or Like them on Facebook to keep up-to-date with all their latest news and events.


3 Days to go until Twisted Tongues 5!

Twisted Tongues 5


On 31st March you can catch Restless Minds contributors L. D. Lapinski, Clare Stevens and Kristian Elliott on the open mic at Twisted Tongues 5. Not to mention the talented writer’s of Derby!

Copies of Restless Minds will be available for £5.

You can RSVP on Facebook.

Twisted Tongues no.5

You can catch our readers on the open mic at the next Twisted Tongues event in Derby, at the Fat Cat!

Twisted Tongues no5

Twisted Tongues is a new spoken word event in Derby that meet for one night during the final week of each month.

“Come down to The Fat Cat (the upstairs area) for an evening of storytelling, poetry-telling, and drinking/chatting (and HALF PRICED DRINKS)! Open-mic slots are available on the night, so come early to get your name down.” – Click to RSVP.

Doors open at 7:30pm.
Performances from 8:00pm-9:30pm.

£1 for students (bring your card).
£2 for everyone else.

Restless Minds readers to be announced soon 🙂