Ben Field

Ben Field – Where are they now?

Ben Field - Burton Mail Pic

Since the release of Restless Minds, Ben has been writing a few short stories, continued working on his sitcom and has just started the beginning stages of his first screenplay. He is still in the part-time modelling game but this has not taken off as much as he was hoping, with him still waiting to land his first gig. However, he remains optimistic and is available for bookings. Ben can be found rambling on twitter @benfield88.

Group Photos


Here are some more photos from the end of launch night, featuring (almost) all the contributors. All photos are courtesy of Mark James.


Rory Waterman admiring the anthology


Rory Waterman


Rory talking about how awesome we all are


Rory inviting all contributors on stage


Stage fright?


Most of the group


From left to right: Kristina Adams, Kristian Elliott, Silvia M. Lopez, Liza Krejci, Marie Peach-Geraghty, Ben Field, David Corbett, Paul Adey, Drew Cross. Hidden behind Ben Field: Nick Jowett, Mark Done, Lauren C. Terry.

Check out our other launch night photos here.

Congratulations Graduates!

Today is a special day for many of our Restless Minds contributors. Today, some of them from the MA Creative Writing course, graduate from Nottingham Trent University!

Here are the list of Restless Minds contributors graduating today (although not all of them can attend the ceremony):

Nora Al-Rasheed
Kristina Adams
Oliver Clark
Kristian Elliott
Ben Field
Shila C. George
Nick Jowett
Liza Krejci
L.D. Lapinski
Silvia M. Lopez
Peter Newman
Clare Stevens
Emma Lauren Wisher

On behalf of the whole Restless Minds Team we wish them all the best, every single one of them have worked hard for their degree and put so much time and effort into the anthology.

Congratulations to you all!

Interview with Ben Field

Name: Ben Field
Submission Title(s): The Silencing

What do you enjoy writing?

I enjoy writing comedies mainly, in several different forms, especially black comedies because you can push the boundaries a bit more.

When did you realise you wanted to be a writer?

I’ve always enjoyed writing but it wasn’t until I went to University that I decided it was what I wanted to do. In the second year I did a creative writing module and it was my favourite module of the whole course.

What inspires you to write?

Errrrm… Anything and everything. Real life events probably, either that happen to me or people that I know, or that I see on the news or the internet.

What obstacles have you faced with your writing?

Mainly self-confidence issues. I’m not a particularly confident person in any way, especially with my writing, so having the confidence to show people what I’ve written has always been difficult.

How do you react to bad reviews or critical comments?

I think relatively well! Nobody likes to hear their work being criticised but as long as it’s done correctly then it’s a lot easier to take on. I think the natural reaction is to be defensive but you have to realise that the people offering criticism are trying to help you. When you respect the person giving you advice that makes it easier to hear as well. All this being said, there have still been times where I’ve not liked what I’ve been told!

What is your submission about in Restless Minds? (Without giving away any spoilers)

This is quite difficult for me… Basically it is a short story about a lady called Susan who has done something sinister. The story starts with her after the event but then reverts to what happened before and basically builds up to the end. It was very fun to write!

Have you ever been published elsewhere?

Nope, my piece in Restless Minds was my first published work!

What is your favourite book and film?

Favourite book would probably be either Nineteen Eighty-Four or Animal Farm, both by George Orwell. I love the bleakness of Nineteen Eighty-Four. It was my first taste of dystopian fiction and I enjoyed the coldness of the story and the writing. Animal Farm is just satirical genius. It’s very short but brilliantly done.

Favourite film is definitely The Royal Tenenbaums by Wes Anderson. For me, it is a masterpiece of dark humour and has been a major influence on my own work. It’s brilliantly written and each cast member is perfect for their role. I never get bored of watching it.

What are your writing ambitions?

Fiction wise, I would obviously like to get a novel published, hopefully the one I’m currently working on! I also have ambitions to write a television “sit-com”, for which I have written the pilot episode. I’m also keen to have a go at writing a couple of plays I have ideas for.

Can you offer any advice for aspiring writers?

Don’t be scared to let people read your work! Criticism doesn’t mean it’s crap. Also don’t limit yourself with what you write, be open-minded and have a go at other genres.

Meet Ben Field

Ben Field is an, as of yet unsuccessful, part-time model and fiction writer from Burton upon Trent. His main interest is in comedy, and he enjoys writing satire, black comedy and light-hearted pieces (but he doesn’t let his Mum read the darker stuff).

You can keep up-to-date with Ben on Twitter: @benfield88

Related Posts: Interview with Ben Field; Burton Mail Article.